Shinigami no Ballad — Vol 2

1 min readFeb 4, 2023


It’s a shame there’s nothing more of shinigami no ballad translated because after the end of this volume the story really started to pick up.

As was with the first volume we got more stories dealing with death but i feel like momo compared to the first volume doesn’t have as much involvement in the stories like last time.

That changes on the last chapter where a misterious figure all in black appears with a face just like Momo and after making some more research they discover it’s existance as unknown( or just UN) and daniel qithout momo knowing discover that there’s also not much knowledge on the shinigami database about momo herself.

And that’s about it, this is the last we see of it for now. I hope a translation team picks the series up because i’m curious how the story would develop after this point.



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